
Xendit also supports card subscriptions, meaning that there will be a recurring charge to the card periodically. You do not have to tokenize, authenticate, and manually charge the card at every payment period because subsequent charges will be automatic after the initial setup (auto-charge / auto-debit).

During the first charge to your customer, you will need to set the start and the end date of the payment and the charging interval (e.g. monthly). The charge processes in the background at your specified interval and you will see the transactions in your Xendit Dashboard, and still be able to do full / partial refund through API.

There are three(3) ways to charge cards on a recurring basis:

  1. Use our Subscription product, using a multiple-use token without 3DS and CVN.
  2. Use our WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin for a quick setup and seamless integration.
  3. Custom build your backend to use our Charge API on a recurring basis, using a multiple-use token without 3DS and CVN.

Last Updated on 2023-09-12