Foreign Transactions

Xendit can charge cards from across the world, regardless of currency. The card will be charged and settled in IDR, but the cardholder’s statement will display the transaction amount in their local currency with exchange rates based on the forex rate and the usual fees applied from their issuing bank.

Xendit does not apply any forex fees to international transactions. Any forex rate deduction is determined by the issuing bank. Forex fees average about 1% for Visa / Mastercard and vary by card class (e.g. Classic, Signature), personal / corporate. Some entry-level cards may charge their cardholders an additional forex fee for processing.


  1. Can I charge in other currencies?
    The Xendit API currently only supports settling in IDR, so Rp100k charged is always Rp100k (- MDR %) to the merchant. The price on the cardholder’s statement will vary by the forex rate. Rp10K might be $0.75, $0.73, etc.
  2. What is the forex rate Xendit uses for IDR settlement?
    Xendit does not apply any forex fees to international transactions. Any forex rate deduction is determined by the issuing bank. Forex fees average about 1% for Visa / Mastercard and vary by card class (e.g. Classic, Signature), personal / corporate. Some entry-level cards may charge their cardholders an additional forex fee for processing.
  3. What if I want to charge in USD on my website, then settle in IDR? E.g. if product is listed for 1 USD, how will it show up on cardholder statement?
    To attempt to charge $1, you could use the day’s exchange rate + 1% to offset card forex fees. For example, $1 = IDR 15,000. This should get close to charging $1, but it could still come out to $0.98 or $1.02 depending on other factors set by the issuing bank.

Last Updated on 2023-05-20