Test Scenarios


You can follow testing steps below once PayLater is activated for you from the process here.

Positive Test Scenario

ScenarioCriteriaExpected Result
Successful PayLater payment1) Create a PayLater transaction in Test Mode and open the Checkout URL 2) Click onProceed to PaySuccessful PayLater payment
Successful Full Refund - settled transaction1) PayLater charge status = SUCCEEDED 2) Charge is already settled to your available balance1) Refund object with PENDINGstatus 2) Refunded notification/callback withSUCCEEDEDrefund status 3) Charge status is updated toREFUNDED
Successful Full Refund - unsettled transaction1) PayLater charge status = SUCCEEDED 2) Charge is not yet settled to Merchant’s available balance (still in Pending balance tab)1) Refund object with PENDING status 2) Refunded notification/callback withSUCCEEDEDrefund status 3) Charge status is updated toREFUNDED
Successful Partial Refund - settled transaction1) PayLater charge status = SUCCEEDED or REFUNDED 2) Total refunded amount < charge amount 3) Charge is already settled to Merchant’s available balance 4) Refund amount < (charge amount - refunded amount) 5) Refund amount < available balance1) Refund object with PENDINGstatus 2) Refunded notification/callback withSUCCEEDEDrefund status 3) Charge status is updated toREFUNDED
Successful Partial Refund - unsettled transaction1) PayLater charge status = SUCCEEDED or REFUNDED 2) Total refunded amount < charge amount 3) Charge is not yet settled to Merchant’s available balance 4) Refund amount < (charge amount - refunded amount)1) Refund object with PENDINGstatus 2) Refunded notification/callback with SUCCEEDED refund status 3) Charge status is updated to REFUNDED

Negative Test Scenario

ScenarioCriteriaExpected Result
The payment channel requested is currently experiencing unexpected issues. The PayLater partner will be notified to resolve this issue.Amount = 10101CHANNEL_UNAVAILABLE
An unexpected error occurred, our team has been notified and will troubleshoot the issue.Amount = 10102SERVER_ERROR
Payment request failed because this specific payment channel has not been activated through Xendit. Please activate via Xendit dashboard or our customer service.Amount = 10100CHANNEL_NOT_ACTIVATED
Merchant credentials met with an error with the PayLater partner. Please contact Xendit customer support to resolve this issue.Amount = 10103INVALID_MERCHANT_CREDENTIALS
Partial refund feature is not available as the method is not provided by PayLater provider.Amount = 10105PARTIAL_REFUND_NOT_SUPPORTED

Last Updated on 2023-05-23