Creating Batch Payouts

Note: You should have already gotten set up for batch disbursements and topped up your balance. See the Onboarding and Activation page.

Create a Batch Disbursement

Navigate to Dashboard > Send Payments > Batch Disbursements > Create > Batch Disbursement and click Batch Disbursement.

1. Download the template. The user will be able to fill up to 10,000 disbursement transactions in the batch disbursement template file. More information here.

The downloaded batch template excel file consists of 2 worksheets:
(i) instructions for your reference
(ii) template for you to fill in the transfer details.
In the template worksheet, the blue columns are required to process the disbursement while the green columns are optional.

Column NameRequired?Description
Reference IDRequiredInclude this for reference in reports and API callbacks - can be the unique ID in your system to help reconciliation
AmountRequiredAmount to be sent to the Recipient
Channel CodeRequiredDestination Bank Code (See payout channel tab)
Bank Account NameRequiredRecipient Name
Bank Account NumberRequiredRecipient Bank Account Number
DescriptionRequiredDescription of transfer. (Note: the recipient will be able to see this in their bank or e-wallet statement). See
EmailOptionalIf filled in, once the disbursement is processed, we’ll send a payment receipt to this email automatically. Maximum 3 email addresses accepted. Use commas to specify multiple email addresses
Email CCOptionalIf filled in, once the disbursement is processed, we’ll send a payment receipt to this email as carbon copy receiver. Maximum 3 email addresses accepted. Use commas to specify multiple email addresses. Only allowed if email column is filled
Email BCCOptionalIf filled in, once the disbursement is processed, we’ll send a payment receipt to this email as blind carbon copy receiver. Maximum 3 email addresses accepted. Use commas to specify multiple email addresses. Only allowed if email column is filled

2. Upload filled template

3. Enable account name check

Xendit account name check feature allows you to verify the recipient's account number and the account's name with the bank's database. This allows you to:

  • Check if the account number that you've filled is valid
  • Check on whether the account name you've filled matches the name of the account provided by the bank

Do take note that enabling account name check will increase the time to validate the transactions in the batch. An excessive amount of invalid accounts in a batch will also cause the whole batch to be rejected and would require you to re-check the batch.

4. Input Batch reference

Used for reference to differentiate batches.

5. Select Category

If you activate Multi Level Approval (MLA) feature on Disbursement Category & Approval on your setting page, you would be asked to select the category that should be applied for that Batch. Leave it blank if you do not have an active MLA feature.

6. Then click Create button.

Validate Bank Account Details

Once a batch has been successfully uploaded, we automatically validate transaction details to check for errors to pre-empt wrong or failed disbursements. If an error is found in the transaction, the batch will require validation and can be found in the Needs Validation tab. You can fix all the issues directly on the Dashboard before proceeding with the transfer.

Transactions that require validation will be highlighted for your attention and can be edited by clicking the edit button ✎ . Once it has been edited, you may select the transaction via the checkbox and click the validate button.

Edit the transaction directly on the dashboard

Validation Errors

On this page, you need to validate the transaction/s which need to be validated. If no transactions need to be validated, can directly move to the next step on Need Approval. There are 2 parts on Need Validation tab:

  1. Validated transactions part
    This part is for transactions validated from transactions with issue part
  2. Transactions with issue part
    This part consists of the list of error transactions that need to be validated.

Below is an overview of possible validation errors and recommended steps to fix the issue:

ErrorWhat it meansWhat you can do
Account does not existThe account number you entered is invalid.Verify the account number with the recipient. If needed, edit the account number before proceeding.
Account name mismatchThe account name did not match with account numberVerify the account owner's name and number with the recipient. If needed, edit the bank account number or bank account name before proceeding. Please note: this error is only available in Indonesia and Vietnam
Invalid DescriptionThe description entered is invalid.Edit the Description to include the transaction description. The description can appear in the recipient's bank statement and transfer receipt.
Invalid Bank CodeThe Bank Code is IncorrectVerify the bank destination with the recipient & edit the bank code by selecting the right bank destination in the dropdown list. List of bank codes can be found on Payout channels tab
Invalid AmountThe Amount entered is InvalidEdit the amount for the transaction to a valid format and revalidate the transaction

Note: You may submit the batch by clicking the Submit For Approval button directly If you are sure all the transactions do not need further action.

Approve The Batch Disbursement

Once you’ve reviewed all the transaction details, you can submit the batch for approval. Transactions that have been validated will be in the Needs Approval tab.

The Approver will receive an email notification that a batch was submitted for approval. They can then log on to the dashboard to approve the batch using their 6-digit PIN.

Validated & Transactions that don't require validation will appear in the Needs Approval tab. Refer to the Approver column to know the approver.

Once the Approver approves the batch, Xendit will process the transactions immediately. Please note that once submitted, transactions are final and cannot be amended or reversed. We are also unable to correct bank names or account numbers after a batch has been submitted.

Receive Notifications and Download Reports

If you had filled in the “email” fields in the template, upon disbursement completion, we send email receipts automatically to the specified email addresses.

After approval, you can review and track the status of each batch disbursement on the Dashboard. You can also download reports of all transactions from the Dashboard for reconciliation.

Tips & Best Practices

Steps to take before going live

For the best experience, customers are encouraged to take all the following steps before processing live batch disbursements.

  1. Set Reference ID for each disbursement for easy reconciliation
  2. Inform your recipient of the incoming transfer
  3. Customize and test email receipts to ensure they look as you intend
  4. Direct users to get support
  5. If using API to create batch disbursements, setting up callback URL to track batch disbursements

Set reference id for each disbursement for easy reconciliation

You should include a unique identifier in each disbursement by including this identifier in the required Reference ID field in the template. This will allow you to search for the disbursement on the dashboard and in reports, for easier tracking and reconciliation.

How recipients can identify disbursements from you

We disburse funds on your behalf from our bank accounts. To help your recipient identify funds from you,

  • Include your business name in the description of the disbursement - if the recipient's bank supports this field, the recipient will see this in their bank statement.
  • Ask the recipient to look out for "PT SINAR DIGITAL TERDEPAN" or "SNR" in their bank statement. See Identifying Disbursements in Recipient Bank Statement section for reference.

Please note that the format and content of the disbursement description in their bank account inquiry or e-wallet statement may vary depending on the bank or e-wallet’s UI. Please refer to this page for more information

Customize and set up your email receipts

We provide an automatic email receipt which you can send to your recipient as a notification of transfer. To do this, ensure to fill in the Email To, Email CC, and Email BCC fields (with maximum of 3 recipients per field) under the email columns of the excel template.

We display your logo and business details on each receipt. Before sending your first disbursement, you can customize the receipt appearance at Dashboard > Settings > Sending money > Batch disbursement notifications.

You can also customize the email address of the sender of the receipt so that recipients know that the disbursement came from you. To customize the Sender email address and footer message for disbursement and batch disbursement receipts, please go to Dashboard > Settings > Sending money > Disbursement notifications and Dashboard > Settings > Sending money > Batch disbursement notifications.

Be sure to test out the receipts by including your email address in the disbursement request. You can then see what the email receipt looks like in your inbox.

Monitoring Disbursements

You can monitor the status of each disbursement via the Dashboard and callbacks. We return callback when all the disbursement has reached final status. Alternatively, track the status of each disbursement via the Dashboard > Batch Disbursements.

Direct your recipients to get support

As you control much of the disbursement experience, we recommend that your recipients reach out to you first with any questions.

If you had customized the email address of the sender of the receipt, your recipient will be able to respond to that email to reach your support team with any questions. To customize the Sender email address and footer message for disbursement and batch disbursement receipts, please go to Dashboard > Settings > Sending money > Disbursement notifications and Dashboard > Settings > Sending money > Batch disbursement notifications.

However, your customer may have questions that only we can answer. To provide the most efficient support possible, we recommend that you contact us for these subjects:

  • Missing payments or prolonged delay in payments (e.g., when the disbursement has been completed but the recipient has not received the payment after 1 working day)
  • Payments received from “PT Sinar Digital Terdepan” or “SNR” which were not expected by the recipient

If any questions come up which you are unable to answer, reach out to us for help.

Using callbacks to track disbursements

If you’re using the Batch Disbursement API to create batch disbursements, you should set up your disbursement callback URL before creating your first Batch Disbursement. Set up your callback URL on Dashboard > Settings > Developers > Webhooks.

Upon execution of the batch disbursement, we send you a callback with the updated status. If the disbursement was successfully executed, we send you a callback notifying you that the disbursement was completed. If the disbursement was not successfully executed, we send you a callback notifying you that disbursement has failed along with the appropriate failure code, to facilitate your decision on whether to send us another request to disburse or return the failure result to your customer.

Last Updated on 2024-01-17