Testing Batch Payouts


You can start testing batch disbursements immediately in the development environment to learn disbursement features and simulate transactions without risk. Funds available in your development account balance can be used for testing. Requests made in the development environment will not hit the banking networks and will not cost you anything.

Use our test information to simulate various positive and negative scenarios and discover our validation and reporting features.

Simulate Batch Disbursement with Excel Upload


  1. Follow the steps on how to create batch payout
  2. Upload transactions with the following prescribed inputs on test mode.

Note: to receive an email receipt, fill in the “Email To” parameter with your email address.

Max Rows Per Batch The upload will fail. You will be prompted to re-upload a file with fewer than 10,000 transactionsUpload a batch with more than 10,000 transactions
Completed Batch Will create a batch with status “Needs Approval” and with all transactions successfully validated. Once you approve this batch, batch status will update to “Approved” and all transactions will have “Completed” statusAmount Bank Account Number Bank Account Name90000 / 250000 / 3000000 (any of the values) 8888888888 Albert Chen Fadlan
Failed Batch Will create a batch with status “Needs Approval” and with all transactions successfully validated. Once you approve this batch, batch status will update to “Failed” and all transactions will have “Failed” statusBank Code Bank Account Number Bank Account NameMANDIRI 8787878 Budi
Check Batch Will create a batch with status “Needs Approval” and with all transactions successfully validated. Once you approve this batch, batch status will update to “Check”. Some transactions will be “Failed” and some transactions will be “Completed”Bank Code Bank Account Number Bank Account Name Bank Code Bank Account Number Bank Account NameMANDIRI 8888888888 90000 / 250000 / 3000000 (any of the values) MANDIRI 8787878 Albert Chen Fadlan
Name Mismatch Input does not match bank account holder name. Will have to do user validation from the Dashboard. Review the name mismatch details and check whether the destination account is correct. If needed, edit the bank account number / bank account name and validate the transaction.  If you would still like to proceed despite the name mismatch, you can submit the batch for approval without validating. Bank Account Number Bank Account Name8888888888 Umar Fadlan
Account Does Not Exist  Invalid bank account number. Will have to do user validation from the Dashboard. Amend “Bank Account Number” to 8888888888 on Dashboard (this simulates a valid bank account number). You’ll be able to validate the transaction and submit the batch for approval thereafter.Bank Account Number9999999999
Not Enough Balance Insufficient balance. Won’t be able to approve the batchUpload a batch with total amount greater than your cash balance

Simulate Batch Disbursement with API

Note: We recommend using Postman collections for testing. Please see our postman integrations page for more details on how to set up your collections.


  1. Be sure to use your Development API keys to test disbursements.
  2. Post a Create Batch Disbursement request using any of the following test details to simulate successful and failed batch disbursements.
  3. When the disbursement has been successfully executed, you will receive a callback at your callback URL with status “COMPLETED”. If the disbursement failed, you will receive a callback at your callback URL with status “FAILED”; refer to the failure_code for more details of the failure.
Max Rows Per Batch The request will be failed and will get Max Rows Limit Exceeded errorUpload a batch with more than 10,000 transactions
Completed Batch Will create a batch with status “Needs Approval” and with all transactions successfully validated. Once you approve this batch from Dashboard, will initiate callback to your callback URL with all transactions status: “COMPLETED”amount bank_account_number bank_account_name90000 / 250000 / 3000000 (any of the values) 8888888888 Albert Chen Fadlan
Failed Batch Will create a batch with status “Needs Approval” and with all transactions successfully validated. Once you approve this batch from Dashboard, will initiate callback to your callback URL with all transactions status: “FAILED” with error type: “RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_ERROR”bank_code bank_account_number bank_account_nameMANDIRI 8787878 Budi
Check Batch Will create a batch with status “Needs Approval” and with all transactions successfully validated. Once you approve this batch from Dashboard, will initiate callback to your callback URL with batch status: “CHECK”amount bank_account_number bank_account_name bank_code bank_account_number bank_account_name90000 / 250000 / 3000000 (any of the values) 8888888888 Albert Chen Fadlan MANDIRI 8787878 Budi
Name Mismatch Input does not match bank account holder name. Will have to do user validation from the Dashboard. Review the name mismatch details and check whether the destination account is correct. If needed, edit the bank account number / bank account name and validate the transaction. If you would still like to proceed despite the name mismatch, you can submit the batch for approval without validating. bank_account_number bank_account_name8888888888 Umar Fadlan
Account Does Not Exist  Invalid bank account number. Will have to do user validation from the Dashboard. Amend bank_account_number to 8888888888 on Dashboard (this simulates a valid bank account number). You’ll be able to validate the transaction and submit the batch for approval thereafter.bank_account_number9999999999
Not Enough Balance Will return error for INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE. Won’t be able to approve the batchCreate a batch with total amount greater than your cash balance
Invalid API Key Will return error for INVALID_API_KEY. Won’t be able to create the batchTry a random API key

Last Updated on 2024-01-17