Tracking Payouts & Notifications

How will My Recipient Track a Disbursement from Me?

There are two ways for a recipient to track an incoming disbursement from you:

  1. Tell your recipient to look out for xendit's identifier and your description in their bank or wallet statement
  2. Send them an email notification containing a receipt

Identifying Disbursements in Recipient Bank Statement

Look for Xendit's identifier in the bank statement

We disburse funds on your behalf from our bank accounts. To help your recipient identify funds from you, ask the recipient to look out for Xendit's identifier in their bank or wallet statement. Xendit's identifier would be one of the following:

  • SNR

Include your identifier in the disbursement description

You should also include your business name or unique identifier (such as your Order ID) in the description field when making a disbursement request. If the recipient’s bank or e-wallet supports this field, the recipient will see this in their bank or e-wallet statement.

Descriptions are supported for the major Indonesian banks - note that character limitations apply for each bank. Therefore, ensure that your identifier fits within the supported character limit. Descriptions longer than the supported character limit may be truncated.

Destination bankAmount (IDR)Character Limitation
BCA≤ 9,999 or ≥ 50,000,00130 characters
BCA10,000 - 50,000,00015 characters
BRIAny amount29 characters
BNIAny amount14 characters
BNI_SYRAny amount14 characters
MANDIRIAny amount14 characters
PERMATAAny amount20 characters
CIMB10,000 - 50,000,00018 characters
MAYBANK10,000 - 50,000,00017 characters
Other banks10,000 - 50,000,000Description may not be supported

Sample of Xendit disbursement in the recipient bank/wallet statement

See below for examples of what shows up in the recipient's bank statement. Please note that the format and content of the disbursement description in their bank or e-wallet statement may vary depending on the bank or e-wallet’s UI.

Bank Statement samples

DestinationSample of line on bank statement
BNITRANSFER DARI XENDIT One Gate Payment #201910090128466362836245 [Description] 201910090128466362836245 SINAR DIGITAL TERDEPAN
BRI~3SeQr SNR [Description]
MANDIRI1260007569477 10/10/2019 10/10/2019 7820 MCM InhouseTrf CS-CS DARI SINAR DIGITAL TERDEPAN [Description] #2PmKJ 0 123

Wallet UI samples

See below for examples of what shows up on the recipient's wallet application screen. If supported, the wallet will display Xendit as the sender and the description you input.

To help your recipient look out for incoming funds, we recommend using our email receipt notifications.

Send email receipts for successful disbursements

Xendit automatically sends email receipts to your customers when you make a successful disbursement. You can do this by providing the email address when making an API request, or when uploading a batch disbursement file.

The receipt can be saved as proof of transfer. Each receipt contains:

  • Your business details: your business logo, name, address, and email address
  • Payment details including bank reference, sender details, and recipient details
  • A customizable footer, in which you can include information for your customer

Customizing receipts

We provide an automatic email receipt which you can send to you and your recipient as a notification on proof of transfer. To do this, ensure to fill in the email_to, email_cc, and email_bcc fields (with maximum of 3 recipients per field) under the receipt_notfication parameter.

   "reference_id": "disb-{{$timestamp}}",
   "amount": 90000,
   "channel_code": "ID_BCA",
   "description":"Reimbursement for shoes",
   "currency": "IDR",
   "channel_properties": {
        "account_holder_name": "Test",
        "account_number": "45698732"
    "receipt_notification": {
      "email_to": [
      "email_cc": [
      "email_bcc": [

We display your logo and business details on each receipt. Before sending your first disbursement, you can customize the receipt appearance at Dashboard > Settings > Disbursement Notifications.

You can customize the following details which show up on the receipt:

  1. Your business logo
  2. Your business email information
  3. Message in the footer (only plain text supported)

If no logo is provided, the Xendit logo will be used by default. For best results, upload a logo must be at least 200px by 200px and smaller than 1MB.

To customize your business logo please go to Dashboard > Settings > Your Business and Profile.

You can also customize the email address of the sender of the receipt so that recipients know that the disbursement came from you.

To customize the Sender email address and footer message for disbursement and batch disbursement receipts, please go to Dashboard > Settings > Sending money > Disbursement notifications > Disbursement Email Receipt Template and Dashboard > Settings > Send money > Disbursement notifications > Batch Disbursement Email Receipt Template

To see how a receipt looks when it is sent, try sending out a completed disbursement in development mode. Be sure to include your email address in the email receipt fields. See Testing instructions for API disbursements and batch disbursements.

Automatic email receipts for API disbursement requests

When making a create disbursement request, include your customer’s email address(es) in the email parameters. You can include up to 3 email addresses in each of the `email_to`, `email_cc`, and `email_bcc` fields in the request body. See our API docs.

The receipts will be automatically sent out when the disbursement is successful.

Below is an example of a disbursement email receipt:

Automatic email receipts for batch disbursement requests

When making a batch disbursement request, include your customer’s email address(es) in the email fields on the batch disbursement template. You can include up to 3 email addresses in the “Email”, “Email CC”, and “Email BCC” field.

The receipts will be automatically sent out when the transaction is successful.

Manually download receipts from the Dashboard

Disbursement receipts can be downloaded from your dashboard. Simply do the following:

Disbursement created by API Request for Indonesia users

  • Go to Disbursements on the dashboard
  • Click on the completed disbursement transaction
  • Click on the download icon. Your receipt will automatically be downloaded
  • You can then save the file or send it to your customer

Disbursement created by API Request for other than Indonesia users

  • Go to Transactions on the dashboard
  • Click on the completed disbursement transaction
  • Scroll down to the Disbursement Receipt part and click the Send Receipt icon
  • Input the email address to receive the disbursement email receipt

Disbursement created by Batch disbursement

  • Go to Batch Disbursements > Approved on the dashboard
  • Click on the approved batch disbursement. You can export receipts for all transactions or only selected transactions
  • To export selected receipts, select the completed disbursement(s) you wish to download receipts for, then click on Export Receipt -> Selected
  • To export receipts for all completed transactions, click on Export Receipt -> All Completed
  • The file download link will be sent to your user email. It will contain the selected receipts and will expire in 7 days from the exported date
  • In the email, click on the download button. Your receipt will automatically be downloaded
  • You can then save the file or send it to your customer

Last Updated on 2023-12-06