Using Your Own Linking UI
You should use this flow if your business does not need a web page for linking, or if you prefer to use your own web page for your customers to link their payment method. Using your own web page has several tradeoffs:
- You have a higher level of customization on your linking site
- Your Linking UI must integrate with our create payment method API
- Your integration must cover the different authentication flows of the different payment methods.
- To accept Credit or Debit Cards, you will need to :
- Have PCI DCSS Certification
- Otherwise, you need to use Xendit.js to collect your customer's card information (Reference)
High level flow
Creating a Customer
Before creating a subscription plan, you must create a Customer Object using the Create Customer API.
Make sure you input the correct mobile number, especially if your customer wants to use Ewallet.
"reference_id": "demo_1475801962607",
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"individual_detail": {
"given_names": "John",
"surname": "Doe"
"email": "",
"mobile_number": "+628121234567890"
Creating a Payment Method
After creating a customer, you will need to create a Payment Method Object using the Create Payment Method API endpoint.
Example of Create Payment Method Request:
"type": "EWALLET",
"reusability": "MULTIPLE_USE",
"ewallet": {
"channel_code": "OVO",
"channel_properties": {
"success_return_url": "",
"failure_return_url": ""
"customer_id": "fc4c060b-3c41-4707-b7b2-df9c3376edde",
"metadata": {
"sku": "ABCDEFGH"
When the API returns a successful response, this means that the account linking process has started. You will need to pass the payment_method_id to the Plan Creation API in the next step.
If you receive a response with a REQUIRES_ACTION status, this means that your customer is required to perform additional steps for the linking to be successful. The most common actions are:
- Redirecting the end user to a web page for authentication
- Send a one-time code for authorization validated via an API
Note: Expect a Payment Method Activated Webhook to be sent to your specified callback URL once the payment method has been successfully authorized for payments.
Creating a Plan
Once you have created your Customer and your customer has successfully authorized the payment method, you are now ready to use the Create Plan endpoint. Enter the customer_id and the payment_method_id retrieved from the previous to the request of Plan Creation API. You may also input more than 1 payment_method_id in one plan and rank them by preference.
Note: The status of the Payment Method must be ACTIVE in order for the plan to be successfully activated.
During this step, you are able to configure a wide range of settings for your end users. See our API reference for more information.
Example of Create Subscription Plan Request:
"reference_id": "test_reference_id",
"customer_id": "cust-239c16f4-866d-43e8-9341-7badafbc019f",
"recurring_action": "PAYMENT",
"currency": "IDR",
"amount": 13579,
"payment_methods": [{
"payment_method_id": "pm-asdaso213897821hdas",
"rank": 1
"schedule": {
"reference_id": "test_reference_id",
"interval": "MONTH",
"interval_count": 1,
"total_recurrence": 12,
"anchor_date": "2022-02-15T16:23:52Z",
"retry_interval": "DAY",
"retry_interval_count": 3,
"total_retry": 2,
"failed_attempt_notifications": [1,2]
"immediate_action_type": "FULL_AMOUNT",
"notification_config": {
"recurring_created": ["WHATSAPP","EMAIL"],
"recurring_succeeded": ["WHATSAPP","EMAIL"],
"recurring_failed": ["WHATSAPP","EMAIL"],
"locale": "en"},
"failed_cycle_action": "STOP",
"payment_link_for_failed_attempt" : true,
"metadata": null,
"description": "Video Game Subscription",
"items": [
"name": "Cine Mraft",
"net_unit_amount": 13579,
"quantity": 1,
"url": "",
"category": "Gaming",
"subcategory": "Open World"
Last Updated on 2024-05-14