Tips & Best Practices

Steps to take before going live

Customers are encouraged to take all the following steps before going live to prevent losses and ensure that disbursements are not delayed.

  1. Set up your Callback URL to watch for and respond to disbursement events
  2. Include an idempotency key in each disbursement for safe retries
  3. Inform your recipient of the incoming transfer
  4. Set up disbursement notifications to your recipient
  5. Customize and test email receipts to ensure they look as you intend
  6. Direct users to get support

Using callbacks to track disbursements

You should always set up your disbursement callback URL to use Disbursements. Set up your callback URL on Dashboard > Settings > Developers > Callbacks.

Upon execution of the disbursement, we send you a callback with the updated status. If the disbursement was successfully executed, we send you a callback notifying you that the disbursement was completed. If the disbursement was not successfully executed, we send you a callback notifying you that disbursement has failed along with the appropriate failure code, to facilitate your decision on whether to send us another request to disburse or return the failure result to your customer.

Use an idempotency key in every request for safe retries

We have built in idempotency into our Disbursements API to enable you to retry the same request safely without risking a duplicate disbursement.

Be sure to include a unique ID (“idempotency key”) in each disbursement request. In the event of an ambiguous failure of a disbursement (i.e. due to an error in the process, you don’t know whether the disbursement has succeeded or not), you can retry the API call with the same idempotency key until the disbursement verifiably succeeds or fails. If our server receives a call which is a duplicate because the idempotency key already exists in our system, our system will ignore the duplicate request, ensuring the disbursement amount is only deducted once.

How recipients can identify disbursements from you

We disburse funds on your behalf from our bank accounts. To help your recipient identify funds from you,

  • Include your business name in the description of the disbursement - if the recipient's bank supports this field, the recipient will see this in their bank statement.
  • Ask the recipient to look out for "PT SINAR DIGITAL TERDEPAN" or "PT SYAFTRACO" in their bank statement.

Please note that the format and content of the disbursement description in their bank account inquiry or e-wallet statement may vary depending on the bank or e-wallet’s UI.

Set up disbursement notifications to your recipient

Upon completion of a disbursement, we send you an API callback with all transaction details, including the following:

  • amount
  • destination bank code
  • destination bank account holder name
  • description
  • status of transaction

You can customize your own payment confirmation UI with the callback information provided.

Customize and set up your email receipts

We provide an automatic email receipt which you can send to you and your recipient as a notification on proof of transfer. To do this, ensure to fill in the email_to, email_cc, and email_bcc fields (with maximum of 3 recipients per field) under the receipt_notfication parameter.

   "external_id": "disb-{{$timestamp}}",
   "amount": 90000,
   "bank_code": "BCA",
   "account_holder_name": "MICHAEL CHEN",
   "account_number": "1234567890",
   "description":"Reimbursement for shoes"
    "receipt_notification": {
      "email_to": [
      "email_cc": [
      "email_bcc": [

We display your logo and business details in each receipt. Before sending your first disbursement, you can customize the receipt appearance at Dashboard > Settings > Disbursement Notifications.

Monitoring Disbursements

You can monitor the status of each disbursement via the Dashboard and via callbacks. We return you a callback when a disbursement has been completed or failed. Alternatively, track the status of each disbursement via the Dashboard > Disbursements.

Direct your recipients to get support

As you control much of the disbursement experience, we recommend that your recipients reach out to you first with any questions.

If you had customized the email address of the sender of the receipt, your recipient will be able to respond to that email to reach your support team with any questions. To customize the Sender email address and footer message for disbursement and batch disbursement receipts, please go to Dashboard > Settings > Disbursement Notifications and Dashboard > Settings > Batch Disbursement Notifications .

However, your customer may have questions that only we can answer. To provide the most efficient support possible, we recommend that you contact us for these subjects:

  • Missing payments or prolonged delay in payments (e.g., when the disbursement has been completed but the recipient has not received the payment after 1 working day)
  • Payments received from “PT Sinar Digital Terdepan” or “PT Syaftraco” which were not expected by the recipient

If any questions come up which you are unable to answer, reach out to us for help.

Last Updated on 2023-06-02