Feature Suite
Virtual Account (Bank Transfer) is an immensely popular payment method in Indonesia and Vietnam, widely adopted across various business models including E-Commerce, Online Shops, Online Booking platforms, Online Loans, and many more.
Recognizing the significance of Virtual Accounts in facilitating seamless transactions, Xendit offers a range of flexible features tailored to meet the unique requirements of your business. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of features designed to cater to your specific business needs.
Feature | Function |
Fixed Virtual Account | Virtual Account that is tied to your customer's name. This type of Virtual Account can be created according to the Virtual Account number you want or randomly in a predetermined range. |
Open-Amount | Virtual Account can accept payments for any nominal value. |
Close-Amount | Virtual Account can only accept payments with a predetermined nominal. Close-Amount will require you to set the Expected-Amount field or the amount that the Virtual Account can accept. |
Multiple-Use | Virtual Account can receive payment more than once and only will become inactive when it has passed its expiration date. |
Single-Use | Virtual Account can only receive payment once and will become inactive afterward. |
Minimum Amount | Virtual Account will have a specific minimum amount that can be paid by the payer. |
Maximum Amount | Virtual Account will have a specific maximum amount that can be paid by the payer. |
Suggested Amount | Virtual Account can display the recommended amount when the customer wants to pay through payment tools (ATM, M-Banking, or Internet Banking). |
Merchant Name | Virtual Account can display your business name when the customer wants to pay through payment tools (ATM, M-Banking, or Internet Banking). Your business name or the name of your customer will appear when the customer is about to make a payment. |
Fixed Virtual Account Binded with Invoice/Payment link | Virtual Account that is tied to your customer's name and also tied to Payment link. Each payment in the FVA will make the Payment link that is binded to it be successfully paid. |
Non-Fixed Virtual Account or Invoice/Payment link Virtual Account | Virtual Account that is tied to Payment link. This type of Virtual Account is created randomly over a predetermined range and is reusable. |
Callback | You will get a notification / callback on each Virtual Account that is successfully created and paid successfully. You can set the callback URL at dashboard.xendit.co/settings/developers#callbacks. Note: if you want to get a callback for the expired VA, you can ask us to activate it for you through help@xendit.co |
Callback Resend Attempt | If the first notification / callback we send fails (returns the non-200 response code), we will attempt to deliver your callback six times with exponential backoff between each interval and will stop retrying until we have received response from your server or there is still no response yet. The notification / callback that we send has a validation token which you can see on your Xendit dashboard under Settings> API Key> Validation Token. You can learn it more regarding callback resend here. |
Please visit our API reference for Virtual Account at developers.xendit.co/api-reference/#virtual-accounts for more detail.
Use Cases
Below are some combinations of features that you can use to meet the needs of the popular use cases in virtual accounts.

Payment Simulation
Now that you are familiar with the features, it's time to give it a try. Please refer to our integration guide, which is available on the Testing page, for detailed instructions.
Last Updated on 2024-04-09