Integration Guide

Based on the integration flow, we can divide payments API into 3 parts as shown below:

  • Call the API endpoint: please follow the endpoint as stated in API reference here and also follow the product integration guidance here.
  • Requires action performed from your end customer before succeeding the payment: If the status is REQUIRED_ACTION, this contains links for the next steps to complete the transaction. This will only return the applicable actions to the transaction.
ParameterData TypeRequired?Description
actionstringRequiredDescribes what is the purpose of the corresponding action Possible values: - AUTH - Authorize the payment by validating a one-time authorization code - RESEND_AUTH - Resend the authorization code to the payer
urlstringRequiredGenerated URL to hit in order to perform the action
url_typestringRequiredDescribes the url‘s purpose Possible values: - API - The provided url is a server-side API- WEB - The provided redirect url is optimized for desktop or web interface. This can also be used if no MOBILE url is provided.- MOBILE - The provided redirect url is optimized for mobile devices- DEEPLINK - The provided redirect url utilizes deep linking to the channel partner’s platform.
methodstringRequiredHTTP method for calling the href Possible values: - GET - POST
  • Listen for the Callback

Xendit will send your web application HTTPS requests asynchronously after certain events occur, for example when your account linked activated and when the payment has been successful. Please refer to this documentation for a better understanding of webhook, here.

To set up your endpoint URL, you may able to go to the Xendit dashboard, then click Setting > Developer Setting > Callbacks. After you are redirected to the Callback setup page, then choose the webhook event you want to listen.

Last Updated on 2024-04-09