Android SDK

What is Android SDK?

Android SDK is an Android library that is provided by Xendit to help you process your digital payment. Android SDK helps you to:

  • Tokenize your end customers card with single-use token
  • Tokenize your end customers card with multiple use token
  • Authenticate your end-customer's card transactions

Use Cases for Android SDK

Here are the use cases that Xendit’s Android SDK can help you:

  • You are in a business that requires you to accept payment through Credit Card
  • You need to build your own page for accepting credit card information
    • You do not need any license, if you do not save CC information in full, like:
      • Card holder name,
      • Full card number
      • Expiry month and year
      • CVN
  • You tokenize the credit card with our Android SDK, depending on what kind of token that you want to have (single use or multiple use)
    • In here you will receive masked_card_number as one of our responses, you can save this in case you want to tell which card the transaction has been made with
  • You see should_3ds,
    • When true, you need to authenticate the transaction
    • When false, you do not need to authenticate the transaction
  • You hit our charge API to capture the payment
    • We suggest you do this on your backend server. Because if you put a static key on your app, a hacker can crack your app and get your secret API key

Android SDK v2 Requirements

  • Java version: Java 8
  • Android minimum SDK version: 16 (Jelly Bean 4.1)

Android SDK v3 (beta)

Xendit has released v3 of our Android SDK in beta which supports performing credit/debit card authentication using the updated 3DS protocol, EMV 3DS (also known as 3DS 2.0). v2 of our Android SDK has not been deprecated and will still work for customers using it. 

What is the difference between v3 and v2?

All the features in v2 will still work the same in v3. However, v3 contains code which allows you to send data to Xendit which is necessary to perform credit card authentication using 3DS 2.0.

Migration steps

The SDK should work out of the box after installation without a need to update any code implementation. However, please contact support ( to make sure that your account has EMV 3DS enabled.

Android SDK v3 Requirements

  • Java version: Java 8
  • Android minimum SDK version: 21 (Android 5.0)

Last Updated on 2023-06-02