Auto Withdrawal Report

What is Auto Withdrawal Report?

This is a report which allows you to know which transactions are withdrawn. This includes all transactions including payments and disbursements

  • Easy and fast reconciliation, just 1 look in report to know all transactions within withdrawal and match it in your bank statement
  • No more time wasted (1 - 2 hours) to check reconcile transactions within withdrawal

Who can use Auto Withdrawal Report?

Any customer who has an active Auto Withdrawal and as long as Auto Withdrawal was executed successful, the Auto Withdrawal Report will be available to be downloaded

How to use Auto Withdrawal Report

1. Go to Balance Tab, click on the Auto Withdrawal Card on the top right

2. If Auto Withdrawal is not set up, please follow the steps to set it up

3. If Auto Withdrawal is active, you will see a See Reports button, click on it to be redirected to Auto Withdrawal Reports download page

4. The date range provides all the Auto Withdrawals in the past, you can choose to download the Auto Withdrawal report as long as the Auto Withdrawal transaction is successfully completed

5. Once you download the report, you will be able to see the amount that you have withdrawn in the email template and in the report file

6. Sum up all the transactions in the file to derive the amount that you have withdrawn and see in your bank statement

  1. Pending transactions refer to money-out transactions that have been held temporarily so they have not been withdrawn. Pending money-out transactions will need to be deducted to get the final withdrawal amount
  2. First Auto Withdrawal Report will not be available due to the potentially large date range of past transactions

Last Updated on 2024-01-18