Business Operations

Remittances and Cross-border payouts are products of Xendit's Singapore entity

Remittance prefunding

Prefund is used to add balance to your Xendit account. Balance in your dashboard is credited when money arrives into your account, and debited on any money out transactions. We provide USD prefund by default.

Please contact your Account Manager or email to to prefund to your Xendit balance.

Fees and VAT


Please contact your Account Manager for pricing.


Value-Added Tax rates differ depending on which country you sign up in. Generally, you will sign up to Xendit Remittance Singapore, therefore the applicable VAT rate is 7%.

Billing cycle

The billing cycle is usually monthly.

It can be a direct deduction from your billing wallet with Xendit or you can pay monthly upon receipt of invoice.

Our 24/7 Support

Our team will standby 24/7 to address your inquiries. Please email to

Last Updated on 2023-06-30