
Accept Payment with Our XenPayment Products

WooCommerce is a great platform to start your online sales journey. We understand the inconveniences of collecting payment from multiple sources.

Our XenPayment plugin allows you to:

  • Collect payments from various payment channels. We support: (Please see here for more information on our payment flow)
    • Credit Card
    • Bank Transfer through Virtual Account
    • E-wallet
    • PayLater / Cardless Credit
    • Retail Outlet
    • Direct Debit
    • QR codes
  • Automatically sync your order status upon payment confirmation
  • Trigger paid email from your email client that you setup on WooCommerce.

Download our plugin here.

Dynamic 3DS

Dynamic 3DS is our 3DS recommendation feature for credit card. It works by searching for historical transaction of a card issuer and determines whether doing 3DS or not will improve your successful transaction rates. This feature works for:

  • International credit cards who generally do not support 3DS in their country.
  • High success rate credit cards and online debit card.

How does it work?

  • We will check the success rate of the payment.
  • If the card has a higher success rate, we will skip the 3DS for your end customer and charge the end customer directly.
  • If the card has a low success rate without 3DS, we will provide 3DS checkout flow for your end customer.
    • When the end customer submits the right OTP, we will charge the card as proof that the end customer is aware of performing the transaction on your site.

To enable this feature, please contact your account manager or our customer success team. Please note that you are still liable in the event of chargeback when using this feature.


Subscription is a feature to charge your customers automatically on a time basis that they want to commit to. Best practice for this feature is using Credit Card payment method as it will support autodebit.

In using subscription with WooCommerce, you need to:

Flexible Payment Page Redirection

We understand the importance of your analytic platform data, especially in knowing when your customer creates an order after clicking a page on your website, or an ad that you invested in, or in another funnel that you have.

To track your order creation from a page or an ad within your WooCommerce store, you can follow this guide:

  1. Go to WooCommerce Admin Dashboard
  2. Go to Settings and click Payments
  3. Click Manage in Xendit payment
  4. Change the Display Invoice Page After settings into: Order received page

Multiple Currency Support

Xendit as a multinational payment gateway has worked with many banks across Southeast Asia and therefore supports payment in the following currency:

  • Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
    • All channels
  • Philippine Peso (PHP)
    • Credit Card
    • Direct Debit
    • eWallets
    • Over-the-counter
  • United States Dollar (USD)*
    • Credit Card


  1. The currency we stated above are the currency used in the process of charging (during checkout) and settlement (from Xendit to your account). You can still charge international cards issued from any countries with any currencies in your WooCommerce store
  2. Our plugin is also compatible with Currency Switcher for WooCommerce plugin. However, for Xendit payment channels to appear during checkout, you need to set your default currency in WooCommerce and at the point of checkout to be one of the three currencies above. If your account is configured to only accept IDR/PHP, we recommend you to use this plugin to show your products in other currencies

* USD acceptance is limited only for Philippines merchants. By Indonesian Central Bank regulation, all transactions in Indonesia must be charged in IDR currency only.

XenPlatform Support

If you're a merchant who has enabled XenPlatform on your Xendit account, and you want to manage multiple WooCommerce stores under a Xendit master account, you can do so through our payment gateway setting. Simply fill in your sub-account ID inside the On Behalf Of section.

Last Updated on 2024-05-22